Red Dreams, Trail Beyond Tears

These are songs of honor and acknowledge those who inspire and lead us forward through the rough trails of life.

“Dragonfly, Dragonfly” was a promise to a dragonfly. “Red Dreams” is for my father. He was a good-looking Muscogee man and a discouraged dreamer. He loved the song of the redbird. “Beautiful Baby…” is a song for the babies who come after us—they are brave to join us here. “The Trail of Tears” has been carried through seven generations since removal from our tribal homelands in the Southeast. It is a song carried like fire in the rain. The “Mankiller Honor Song” is for Wilma Mankiller, Cherokee. She was a rare leader of vast insight, and a friend. “All the Colors of Sunrise”, “Shimmering” and “To Chase Away Bad Thoughts” are all healing songs. A crow followed me to the studio the first session, and returned for the very last, hence, “Urban Crow Dance”. Keep dancing, Crow! And finally, the whole story of “Rainbow Gratitude” is as large as the sky. The rainbow has spoken to me and showed me a trail beyond tears.
A native flute album with a world vibe.
Mekko Productions
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Cover Art by Joy Harjo
Back Photo: Karen Kuehn
Layout and Design: Teri Hitt
The first (an instrumental) ‘Shimmering Prayer For Cleaning the Water’ allows us to enter a higher world where a great prayer is at the center of our existence. The prayer is a haunting one, and flutes add to the life of the prayer. The Second instrumental, also a prayer, Red Dreams, the album title. A drum and flute is the core of a sensual exploration of reality, replacing our world for a few minutes with something that is both exacting and calm.—Amazon, Walter F. Rice
Joy Harjo is an excellent Native American Artist. She talks about truth through her artwork and her music. Great Spirit comes alive through her music—Amazon, Katie O’Reilly
- Shimmer, Prayer For Cleaning the Water
- Red Dreams
- Rainbow Gratitude
- Beautiful Baby, Beautiful Child
- To Chase Away Bad Thoughts for Tayo and Chayson
- ll the Colors of Sunrise, Spirit Helper Song
- Trail of Tears Song, We Will Go Together
- ankiller Honor Song
- Dragonfly, Dragonfly
- Urban Crow Dance (Of the Bird Kind)