Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

December 01, 2022, From the Catbird Seat: Poetry & Literature at the Library of Congress
An Important Honor for Joy Harjo and “Living Nations, Living Words”

For­mer U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate Joy Har­jo con­tin­ues to earn praise for her work in the posi­tion. On Octo­ber 26th at its annu­al con­ven­tion, the Asso­ci­a­tion of Trib­al Archives, Libraries., and Muse­ums (ATALM) pre­sent­ed one of its Guardians of Cul­ture and…

December 01, 2022, unCLASSIFIED: Behind the Music Podcast
Behind the Music: Joy Harjo

Lis­ten to an inter­view with Joy Har­jo on the unCLAS­SI­FIED: Behind the Music pod­cast, aired Nov 30, 2022. On Apple Pod­casts, Spo­ti­fy, or Google Pod­casts!

November 18, 2022, Tulsa World
Harjo, Hardesty, Cadieux among Oklahoma Hall of Fame inductees

Joy Har­jo induct­ed into the Okla­homa Hall of Fame, Novem­ber 2022

November 18, 2022, The Wall Street Journal
Joy Harjo Found a "Portal to Grace" in Poetry

From the Wall Street Jour­nal’s Week­end Con­fi­den­tial, 11/18/22:

The first Native to serve as U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate believes that poems can give us new ways to speak with each oth­er’ at a time of division.

November 17, 2022, KALW Public Media
Binah: Tommy Orange / Joy Harjo

Author Tom­my Orange dis­cuss­es the plight of the urban Native Amer­i­can, cou­pled with a com­plex and painful his­to­ry but also an inher­i­tance of pro­found beau­ty and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty. Also, for­mer US Poet Lau­re­ate Joy Har­jo per­forms her poet­ry in song.

November 15, 2022, Houston Chronicle
Joy Harjo, US poet laureate, talks career and new poem collection ahead of Houston visit

Joy Har­jo has always cut her own path. So the new Weav­ing Sun­down in a Scar­let Light” isn’t like oth­er poet­ry ret­ro­spec­tives. At 127 pages — includ­ing a San­dra Cis­neros fore­word, notes on the poems and oth­er pages with­out poems…

November 15, 2022, Houston Matters with Craig Cohen
Houston Matters with Craig Cohen

Nov. 14, 2022: On Monday’s show: We talk with Joy Har­jo, the first Native Amer­i­can U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate (begin­ning at 23 min 48 sec) 

November 04, 2022, Journal Review
November is Native American Heritage Month

Unit­ed States Poet Lau­re­ate for 2019, Joy Harjo’s Poet war­rior: a mem­oir” is a med­i­ta­tion on love, grief, jus­tice and heal­ing in her rela­tion­ship with her fam­i­ly, her cul­ture and her art. 

November 02, 2022, Book Riot

These poems tak­en from half a cen­tu­ry of Harjo’s work show the powerful…

November 02, 2022, LitHub
18 New Books to Kick Your November Reading into Gear

Joy Har­jo, Weav­ing Sun­down in a Scar­let Light(W. W. Norton)

[Harjo’s] poet­ry is light and elixir, the very best pre­scrip­tion for us in wound­ed times.”–The Mil­lions