Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

December 20, 2022
Weaving Sundown in a Scarlet Light: Fifty Poems for Fifty Years

VER­DICT Har­jo is a nation­al trea­sure, per­haps even a nation­al resource, and this impor­tant book is an essen­tial addi­tion to con­tem­po­rary poet­ry col­lec­tions everywhere.

December 15, 2022, Chattanooga Times Free Press
Review: Joy Harjo’s latest book seeks to understand the work of poetry and place

"In one of the 50 vignettes that make up "Catching the Light," Joy Harjo tells of receiving an image via Facebook Messenger from an old friend in Lukachukai, a mountainous area of the Navajo Nation in Arizona."

December 15, 2022, The Brooklyn Rail
Joy Harjo & Haruki Murakami

In these two very dif­fer­ent works on writ­ing by two very dif­fer­ent writ­ers, there is much for fans and for writ­ers alike.” Read more about Har­jo’s CATCH­ING THE LIGHT

December 13, 2022, Book Riot

On Har­jo’s POET WAR­RIOR: It’s a spe­cial kind of mem­oir in that it is with­out a doubt about Joy Harjo’s life and work…but it’s also about poet­ry, about pol­i­tics, about the art of the poet­ic craft, and about being a…

December 13, 2022, Lincoln Journal Star
American Life in Poetry

Fea­tur­ing Joy Har­jo, Com­men­tary by Kwame Dawes

December 05, 2022, Chattanooga Times Free Press
Review: Joy Harjo’s latest book seeks to understand the work of poetry and place

In one of the 50 vignettes that make up "Catching the Light," Joy Harjo tells of receiving an image via Facebook Messenger from an old friend in Lukachukai, a mountainous area of the Navajo Nation in Arizona.

December 01, 2022, Kirkus Reviews
REMEMBER: Kirkus Reviews

A starred review by Kirkus Reviews for REMEM­BER, a pic­ture-book adap­ta­tion of a work by for­mer U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate Har­jo, illus­trat­ed by Calde­cott medal­ist Goade

December 01, 2022, From the Catbird Seat: Poetry & Literature at the Library of Congress
An Important Honor for Joy Harjo and “Living Nations, Living Words”

For­mer U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate Joy Har­jo con­tin­ues to earn praise for her work in the posi­tion. On Octo­ber 26th at its annu­al con­ven­tion, the Asso­ci­a­tion of Trib­al Archives, Libraries., and Muse­ums (ATALM) pre­sent­ed one of its Guardians of Cul­ture and…

December 01, 2022, unCLASSIFIED: Behind the Music Podcast
Behind the Music: Joy Harjo

Lis­ten to an inter­view with Joy Har­jo on the unCLAS­SI­FIED: Behind the Music pod­cast, aired Nov 30, 2022. On Apple Pod­casts, Spo­ti­fy, or Google Pod­casts!

November 18, 2022, Tulsa World
Harjo, Hardesty, Cadieux among Oklahoma Hall of Fame inductees

Joy Har­jo induct­ed into the Okla­homa Hall of Fame, Novem­ber 2022