Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

July 29, 2022, WAMC Northeast Public Radio - The Roundtable
Spotlight Series with the 23rd Poet Lau­re­ate of the Unit­ed States Joy Harjo at Tanglewood

Three-term poet lau­re­ate Joy Har­jo will be the focus of this Saturday’s Spot­light Series at Tanglewood’s Sei­ji Oza­wa Hall in Lenox, MA at 5PM. Lis­ten to the inter­view here. 

July 14, 2022, Publishers Weekly
Joy Harjo's "Catching the Light" reviewed by Publishers Weekly

Mem­oir, poet­ry, and crit­i­cism come togeth­er in this slim but potent trea­tise on the why of writ­ing poet­ry” from Har­jo (Poet War­rior: A Mem­oir). Catch­ing the Light will be released by Yale Uni­ver­si­ty Press in Octo­ber 2022

July 13, 2022, AP News
Joy Harjo picture book "Remember" to be released in 2023 by Penguin Random House

Ran­dom House Children’s Books announced Wednes­day that Harjo’s Remem­ber,” adapt­ed from her cel­e­brat­ed poem of the same name, is sched­uled for March 21, 2023. The book will fea­ture illus­tra­tions by the award-win­ning Michaela Goade. Read about it here

July 12, 2022, The Slowdown
Ada Limon Reads Harjo's "Without"

Ada Limon, host of The Slow­down pod­cast reads With­out,” by Joy Har­jo: the incred­i­ble poet and human who served as Poet Lau­re­ate for an unprece­dent­ed three terms.” Lis­ten here

July 09, 2022, ARTS ATL
Atlanta Contemporary exhibits turn land acknowledgment into action

Read more about this Atlanta Con­tem­po­rary Exhi­bi­tion where, The voice of Joy Har­jo, our 23rd and first Native Unit­ed States poet lau­re­ate, per­form­ing her own Stomp All Night, 2021, and This Morn­ing I Pray for My Ene­mies, 2021, pre­sides over it all.” 

June 23, 2022
June 21, 2022, Publishers Weekly
Joy Harjo Receive 2022 Academy of American Poets Leadership Award

The Acad­e­my of Amer­i­can Poets will present its 2022 Lead­er­ship Award in poet­ry to Joy Har­jo.

May 26, 2022, 102.3 KRMG Tulsa's News & Talk
Leon Russell, Joy Harjo named to Oklahoma Hall of Fame

TUL­SA, Okla. — Okla­homa natives Leon Rus­sell and Joy Har­jo have been added to the Okla­homa Hall of Fame.

Har­jo is a poet and musi­cian from Tul­sa. She picked up the sax­o­phone at age 40, and has been hon­ored and…

May 25, 2022, The New Yorker
May 11, 2022, The Black Wall Street Times