Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

January 13, 2022, The Poetry Magazine Podcast
Suzi F. Garcia in Conversation with Joy Harjo

The Poet­ry Mag­a­zine Pod­cast fea­tures poets and artists in their nat­ur­al form — read­ing poems and speak­ing freely. Lis­ten to Joy Har­jo’s inter­view here

January 13, 2022, Native News Online
Joy Harjo is Teaching an Online MasterClass in Poetic Thinking

Poet­ry became my activism, my own way of pro­cess­ing and deal­ing with the Native rights move­ments,” Har­jo explains in a sneak peak trail­er to her Mas­ter­Class. It goes where words can­not go, speaks what words can­not speak.” Learn more…

January 06, 2022, PR Newswire
MasterClass Announces Class on Poetic Thinking With U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo

SAN FRAN­CIS­CO, JAN. 6, 2022 /​PRNewswire/​— Mas­ter­Class, the stream­ing plat­form where any­one can learn from the world’s best across a wide range of sub­jects, today announced the launch of award-win­ning poet and musi­cian Joy Har­jo’s class on poet­ic thinking.

December 09, 2021
Poet Warrior: Listen Now on Audible!

POET WAR­RIOR is avail­able now at Audible! 

November 26, 2021, People Magazine
Poet Joy Harjo Says For 'Indigenous Cultures', the Land 'Is the Keeper of Our Bones, Stories, and Songs

Joy Har­jo reflects on loss and the things she con­tin­ues to hold dear — mem­o­ries of her late moth­er, Nava­jo horse songs — when describ­ing her jour­ney as a poet and cham­pi­on of…

November 23, 2021, Poetry Foundation
Poem-A-Day: Perhaps the World Ends Here

Per­haps the World Ends Here” fea­tured on Native Amer­i­can Her­itage Day, Novem­ber 26, on the Poet­ry Foun­da­tions Poem-A-Day Series

November 22, 2021, The Oklahoman
Joy Harjo, Kristin Chenoweth Honored at Oklahoma Governor's Arts Awards

Joy Har­jo was award­ed the Okla­homa Cul­tur­al Trea­sure Award Tues­day as fel­low Okla­homan Kristin Chenoweth was named an Okla­homa Cul­tur­al Ambassador.

November 16, 2021, City of Tulsa
2022 Pinnacle Award winner - Joy Harjo

YWCA Tul­sa in part­ner­ship with the Mayor’s Com­mis­sion on the Sta­tus of Women is pleased to announce the win­ners of the 2022 Pin­na­cle Awards hon­or­ing excep­tion­al women of Tul­sa — Joy Har­jo is giv­en the Anna C. Roth Lega­cy Award

November 13, 2021, Diversity in Action
Voice of a Nation

Joy Har­jo is fea­tured on the cov­er sto­ry of Diver­si­ty in Action, Nov/​Dec 2021 issue

November 09, 2021, News on 6
Joy Harjo, Kristin Chenoweth To Be Recognized At 44th Annual Governor's Awards

The Okla­homa Arts Coun­cil announced on Mon­day that U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate Joy Har­jo will be des­ig­nat­ed an Okla­homa Cul­tur­al Trea­sure in recog­ni­tion of her con­tri­bu­tions. Bro­ken Arrow’s Own Kristin Chenoweth will also be rec­og­nized as an Okla­homa Cul­tur­al Ambassador.