Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

November 14, 2024, El Pais
Joy Harjo, poet: ‘The land does not belong to us; we’re just its stewards’

In her inter­view with EL PAÍS, the writer — the first Native Amer­i­can to be hon­ored as Unit­ed States Poet Lau­re­ate — reflects on the place of Indige­nous peo­ples and poet­ry in soci­ety. She also sounds the alarm: Act­ing without…

November 14, 2024, Native America Calling
Celebrating the life of musician Jesse Ed Davis

Cel­e­brat­ing the life of musi­cian Jesse Ed Davis­Gui­tarist Jesse Ed Davis (Kiowa) was an in-demand ses­sion play­er start­ing in the mid 60s, appear­ing on dozens of record­ings with artists such as Taj Mahal, John­ny Cash, Eric Clap­ton and…

November 12, 2024, The New Yorker
Creation Theory by Joy Harjo

Cre­ation The­o­ry” pub­lished in the Nov 11, 2024 print edi­tion of The New York­er. Read it here.

October 30, 2024, Native America Calling
Native America Calling: The Native National Humanities Medalists

Four Native Amer­i­cans just received the nation’s high­est hon­or rec­og­niz­ing work and ded­i­ca­tion to enrich­ing the com­mu­ni­ty. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden award­ed the 2022 – 2023 Nation­al Human­i­ties Medals to Musco­gee poet Joy Har­jo, long-time Chero­kee edu­ca­tor Dr. Robert…

October 29, 2024, Mvskoke Media
Joy Harjo receives 2024 National Humanities Medal

Mvskoke poet hon­ored among 39 recip­i­ents, includ­ing three fel­low Native Amer­i­can human­i­tar­i­ans — Read more

October 29, 2024, Humanities Magazine
Joy Harjo - National Humanities Medal

The first time Joy Har­jo saw her moth­er sing in pub­lic it was in grade school. She was exquis­ite, Har­jo recalls, in satin, frills, and per­fume.” At first, she was ten­ta­tive, ner­vous,” but soon she came into her own, her…

October 25, 2024, ICT News
Four Natives honored with National Humanities Medals

Rosi­ta Worl, Robin Wall Kim­mer­er, Robert Mar­tin and Joy Har­jo were rec­og­nized with Nation­al Human­i­ties Medals at the White House on Oct. 21 — Read more

October 21, 2024, The Oklahoman
Oklahoma, Native American poet Joy Harjo receives National Humanities Medal at White House

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden pre­sent­ed trail­blaz­ing Tul­san and Native Amer­i­can poet, per­former and writer Joy Har­jo with the Nation­al Human­i­ties Medal at a cer­e­mo­ny Mon­day. Read more

October 17, 2024, Student Life - Washington University in St. Louis
Danforth Center for Religion and Politics hosts ‘Realistic Hope: American Democracy and the 2024 Election’

Poet Joy Har­jo, nov­el­ist Vale­ria Luisel­li, Bouie, and for­mer Con­gress­man Adam Kinzinger were invit­ed to Gra­ham Chapel on Oct. 10 to dis­cuss real­is­tic hope in a chang­ing polit­i­cal land­scape. Stu­dents, fac­ul­ty, and com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers flood­ed the main seat­ing area as…

October 13, 2024, The Daily Iowan
Ask the Authors | Sandra Cisneros, Joy Harjo, Juan Felipe Herrera

The Uni­ver­si­ty Lec­ture Com­mit­tee and Lati­no Native Amer­i­can Alum­ni Alliance host­ed a pan­el on Sept. 29 in the IMU Main Lounge to host dec­o­rat­ed Writ­ers’ Work­shop Alum­ni speak­ers. Read more