Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

October 12, 2021, Oklahoma Arts Council
October 11, 2021, Think KERA
A conversation with U.S. poet laureate Joy Harjo

As the first Native Amer­i­can to serve as U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate in 2019, Joy Har­jo has used her voice as a tool for cul­tur­al change. Read more

October 11, 2021, NPR - All Things Considered
Joy Harjo on inspiration behind memoir 'Poet Warrior' NPR

NPR’s Michel Mar­tin speaks with U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate Joy Har­jo about her poet­ic memoir.

October 08, 2021, Wisconsin Public Radio
Joy Harjo finds spiritual understanding through music and poetry

US Poet Lau­re­ate chron­i­cles her life jour­ney in the mem­oir, Poet Warrior’

October 07, 2021, Oprah Daily
October 07, 2021, The New Yorker
"Without" by Joy Harjo

Joy’s new poem, With­out,” pub­lished by The New York­er for the Octo­ber 11 issue

October 05, 2021, The Paper. Albuquerque's Independent News
Native Poet Laureate Returns To New Mexico

Poet, Musi­cian, Play­wright and Author Joy Har­jo Recalls Col­lege Years

September 27, 2021, American Theatre
September 27, 2021, WBUR
Cozy Up With These Top Reads For Fall From NPR Books' Petra Mayer

Joy Har­jo’s POET WAR­RIOR list­ed among the Top Reads for Fall from NPR Books’ Petra Mayer

September 20, 2021, Poured Over: The Barnes & Noble Podcast
Poured Over: Joy Harjo on Poet Warrior

Lis­ten here to the B&N Pod­cast fea­tur­ing Joy Har­jo about her mem­oir, Poet Warrior