Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

September 12, 2021, Albuquerque Journal
Feeding the Spirit

Com­pas­sion, empow­ered women and the many faces of love pro­vide insights into the poems and remem­brances in Joy Harjo’s mem­oir Poet War­rior. Read the full review here

September 08, 2021, NPR-KRCC-Book Reviews
'Poet Warrior' Centers On The Role Of Poetry, Art And Music In Joy Harjo's Life

Poet War­rior is a cel­e­bra­tion of art.” Read the review by Gabi­no Igle­sias for NPR Book Reviews

September 07, 2021, Fresh Air with Terry Gross - NPR
September 07, 2021, Chapter 16
September 07, 2021, Minneapolis Star Tribune
Review: 'Poet Warrior,' by Joy Harjo

Review of POET WAR­RIOR from the Star Tribune 

September 04, 2021, USA Today
5 books not to miss: New Sally Rooney and Joy Harjo, Lauren Groff's 'Matrix'

Poet War­rior list­ed by USA Today as one of the 5 books not to miss” 

September 02, 2021, LitHub
Lit Hub's Most Anticipated Books of 2021

POET WAR­RIOR list­ed by LitHub as one of the most antic­i­pat­ed books of 2021

September 02, 2021, The Washington Post
10 Books to Read in September

Joy Har­jo’s POET WAR­RIOR list­ed as one of the ten books to read this Sep­tem­ber by The Wash­ing­ton Post

September 02, 2021, TIME Magazine
September 02, 2021, Poets & Writers
The Field of Stories: A Q&A with Joy Harjo

Poet Lau­ra Da’ inter­views Joy Har­jo about her new mem­oir Poet War­rior and her path to becom­ing the U.S. Poet Laureate.