Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

September 02, 2021, KQED Broadcast - City Arts & Lectures
City Arts & Lectures: Joy Harjo in Conversation with Steven Winn

City Arts & Lec­tures, San Francisco 

Joy Har­jo in con­ver­sa­tion with Steven Winn

Sun­day, August 29, 20211:00pm Pacif­ic Time. KQED Broad­cast: 08/29/2021, 08/31/2021, 09/01/2021

Lis­ten Here 

September 01, 2021, Book Riot

In a com­bi­na­tion of prose, poet­ry, and song, Har­jo weaves togeth­er the sto­ries and voic­es of her ances­tors and fam­i­ly. It’s a beau­ti­ful­ly con­struct­ed tale of grief, nour­ish­ment, and brav­ery. Read the review here

August 31, 2021, Esquire
The Best Books of Fall 2021

Poet War­rior among Esquire’s Best Books of Fall 2021

August 31, 2021, Bustle
The Most Anticipated Books Of September 2021

Poet War­rior among Bustle’s most antic­i­pat­ed books of Sep­tem­ber 2021. Read more here

August 31, 2021, The Washington Post
Poet Warrior among WP's September Books to Read Now

The Wash­ing­ton Post lists Poet War­rior among its 10 Books To Read Now! 

August 24, 2021, Public Books
The Direction of Beginning

Harjo’s When the Light of the World Was Sub­dued, Our Songs Came Through is a gen­er­ous, well-craft­ed book. Teem­ing with con­tem­po­rary voic­es, ground­ed in how tra­di­tion lives, rather than what it was or how it was per­ceived, the anthol­o­gy undoes…

August 19, 2021, Barnes & Noble: B&N Reads
August 12, 2021, Free Think
NASA wants future humans to find this time capsule in space

Albert Ein­stein, poet Joy Har­jo, Mar­tin Luther King Jr., Yoko Ono, Carl Sagan, and The Bea­t­les all make an appear­ance on the gold­en plaque.

August 11, 2021, Business Insider
The first Indigenous poet laureate in US history reflects on her mission for equity for Native American people

August 9 marks the Inter­na­tion­al Day of the World’s Indige­nous Peo­ples. It’s an impor­tant time to reflect on Har­jo’s vision for rep­re­sen­ta­tion and equi­ty for Native Amer­i­cans in the US.

July 18, 2021, Mvskoke Media
Second Annual Honor Walk for Sacred Places

The Musco­gee Nation held a sec­ond annu­al Hon­or Walk June 21 to observe the 2021 Nation­al Day of Prayer to Pro­tect Native Amer­i­can Sacred Places. Guest speak­ers includ­ed US Poet Lau­re­ate Joy Har­jo, Prin­ci­pal Chief David Hill, Sec­ond Chief Del…