Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

June 01, 2021, National Trust for Historic Preservation
May 30, 2021, The Tiki Lounge
The TIki Lounge Remix #228

In the 2nd part of this week’s pro­gram our very spe­cial guest is the cur­rent Poet Lau­re­ate of the Unit­ed States, Native Amer­i­can poet, spo­ken word artist JOY HAR­JO, who is also a jazz sax­o­phon­ist. Plus we lis­ten to a…

May 30, 2021, Metropolitan Library System
5 Ways to Become a Joy Harjo Superfan

It’s real­ly not dif­fi­cult to become a super­fan of Harjo’s work because her work is com­pul­sive­ly read­able. Harjo’s work can eas­i­ly cap­ti­vate your atten­tion while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly reach­ing into your soul and tip­toe­ing into the recess­es of emo­tion you didn’t know…

May 29, 2021, Good Housekeeping
The Best Poetry Books to Challenge and Inspire You

An Amer­i­can Sun­rise: In her lat­est col­lec­tion, the first Native Amer­i­can Poet Lau­re­ate of the Unit­ed States writes about the beau­ty and abun­dance of her home­land, the same one from which her ances­tors were forcibly dis­placed. https://www.goodhousekeeping.c…

May 25, 2021, Native News Online
"I See Them in My Dreams" Says Joy Harjo of MMIW Victims after Screening of "Say Her Name" & "Somebody's Daughter" by the Coushatta Tribe

ELTON, La — I was writ­ing down the names of all the young women and I’m haunt­ed by them. I read them, and I see them in my dreams,” said Joy Har­jo (Musco­gee Nation), the twen­ty-third Poet Lau­re­ate of the…

May 24, 2021, USA Today
May 23, 2021, The Dallas Morning News
The healing power of poetry: A conversation with U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo

The three-time poet lau­re­ate reminds Amer­i­cans that togeth­er, we are one. But our coun­try will con­tin­ue to fal­ter until everyone’s voice has a place.’ Read the full arti­cle here.

May 22, 2021, KCRW - Press Play with Madeleine Brand
US Poet Laureate Joy Harjo on what home means for Native Americans kicked off their land

US Poet Lau­re­ate Joy Har­jo talks with Madeleine Brand for KCR­W’s Press Play podcast

May 15, 2021, The Daily Pennsylvanian
From Poets to Politicians: Meet Penn's 2021 Honorary Degree Recipients

Penn will hon­or sev­en indi­vid­u­als with hon­orary degrees, cel­e­brat­ing their accom­plish­ments in fields rang­ing from pub­lic pol­i­cy to arts and enter­tain­ment. Joy Har­jo is among them. 

May 13, 2021, On Being with Krista Tippett
Joy Harjo - The Whole of Time

Joy opens up with Krista about her life, dream­ing as a way of relat­ing to time and place, and the sto­ry matrix that con­nects us all. Lis­ten to the pod­cast here