Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

May 11, 2021, NPR 1A
A Conversation with Joy Harjo

Lis­ten to the May 11, 2020 NPR 1A Broad­cast here

May 11, 2021, WAMU Radio - 1A - NPR
May 10, 2021, Native News Online
Joy Harjo, Marcella LeBeau Among National Native American Hall of Fame 2021 Inductees

The Nation­al Native Amer­i­can Hall of Fame (NNA­HOF) this week announced eight new inductees from across Indi­an Coun­try, cel­e­brat­ed for their con­tri­bu­tions in Native advo­ca­cy, pol­i­tics, ath­let­ics, arts, health, and cul­ture preser­va­tion and revitalization.

May 10, 2021, Goldmine: The Music Collector's Magazine
Names You Should Know: Joy Harjo, The Dinallos, Tautologic & The Ladles

Joy Har­jo’s I Pray for My Ene­mies is called by Mike Green­blatt, one of the most unique albums of the year.” Read more here

May 04, 2021, WNYC
Get Lit with Kazuo Ishiguro and Rhiannon Giddens, National Poetry Month with Joy Harjo and Tommy Pico, The Get Out

On the last day of Nation­al Poet­ry Month, we speak with incum­bent Unit­ed States Poet Lau­re­ate Joy Har­jo about the anthol­o­gy, When the Light of the World Was Sub­dued, Our Songs Came Through: A Nor­ton Anthol­o­gy of Native Nations Poet­ry

May 03, 2021, Skope
April 30, 2021, WNMU-FM All Things Considered
Interview with U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo, "I Pray For My Enemies"

I Pray For My Ene­mies is the name of the first new record­ing in a decade from Joy Har­jo, the first Native Amer­i­can to be named Poet Lau­re­ate of the Unit­ed States. Lis­ten to the Radio show here

April 30, 2021, The Columbia Chronicle
Poet Laureate launches project to commemorate Indigenous communities

Every author has an ori­gin sto­ry. In her lat­est project, U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate Joy Har­jo cre­at­ed an inter­ac­tive map so peo­ple can read about the lives of Indige­nous poets. Read more

April 27, 2021, Music Connection - May 2021 Issue
Album Review: "I Pray for My Enemies"

On Harjo’s epic, expan­sive, emo­tion­al­ly hard hit­ting, reflec­tive, provoca­tive and ulti­mate­ly heal­ing and dare we say joy­ful first album in a decade… READ MORE

April 22, 2021, Treble