Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

April 22, 2021, Third Coast Review
April 22, 2021, Red Lake Nation News
April 22, 2021, Minnesota Star Tribune
Bonnie Raitt and Indigo Girls join Minnesota activists in new Line 3 protest song

Joy Har­jo, along with Bon­nie Raitt and the Indi­go Girls, each con­tributed vocals to a new sin­gle released Thurs­day to raise mon­ey and aware­ness for Stop Line 3 caus­es. Titled No More Pipeline Blues (On This Land Where We Belong),”…

April 22, 2021, World Literature Today
Opening the Doorways of Recognition for Native People: A Conversation with Joy Harjo

To cel­e­brate the twen­ty-fifth anniver­sary of Nation­al Poet­ry Month, in this last of the series of con­ver­sa­tions with three US Poets Lau­re­ate, Joy Har­jo dis­cuss­es her dig­i­tal map project, how Native peo­ple have been dis­ap­peared, and answers the…

April 21, 2021, The Rolling Stones
Joy Harjo, Bonnie Raitt, Indigo Girls Appear on ‘No More Pipeline Blues (On this Land Where We Belong)’

Joy Har­jo, with Bon­nie Raitt and the Indi­go Girls are among the many voic­es fea­tured on No More Pipeline Blues (On this Land Where We Belong),” out on Earth Day (April 22nd) via Rock…

April 18, 2021, The Lily - The Washington Post
U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo reflects on the lessons, rituals and gifts of the pandemic year

Har­jo reflects on the lessons of the pan­dem­ic year, and how poet­ry can help us chart a way to a kinder, more har­mo­nious world. Read more here

April 16, 2021, Iowa Public Radio
U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo On Her New Album "I Pray For My Enemies"

Har­jo joins Talk of Iowa host Char­i­ty Nebbe to learn how this album came to be and how she is able to know when a cre­ative idea is a song or poem. Lis­ten to the radio inter­view here

April 14, 2021, KUNM Native American Calling
April 13, 2021, Spokane Public Radio
Soundspace Interview with Joy Harjo

Join Zan as she hosts a phone inter­view with mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist musi­cian, poet, per­former and activist Joy Har­jo, 23rd U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate (and first Native Amer­i­can), as she speaks about what inspired her recent album, I Pray for My Ene­mies, with…

April 13, 2021, Washington City Paper
City Lights: Joy Harjo Reads in the NMAI’s Indigenous Poetry: Resilience

For Nation­al Poet­ry Month, Har­jo joins poets Kealo­ha (Native Hawai­ian), Natal­ie Diaz (Mojave/​Akimel O’otham), and Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Oso­rio (Native Hawai­ian) for a Smith­son­ian-host­ed vir­tu­al read­ing and discussion.