Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

April 14, 2021, KUNM Native American Calling
April 13, 2021, Spokane Public Radio
Soundspace Interview with Joy Harjo

Join Zan as she hosts a phone inter­view with mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist musi­cian, poet, per­former and activist Joy Har­jo, 23rd U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate (and first Native Amer­i­can), as she speaks about what inspired her recent album, I Pray for My Ene­mies, with…

April 13, 2021, Washington City Paper
City Lights: Joy Harjo Reads in the NMAI’s Indigenous Poetry: Resilience

For Nation­al Poet­ry Month, Har­jo joins poets Kealo­ha (Native Hawai­ian), Natal­ie Diaz (Mojave/​Akimel O’otham), and Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Oso­rio (Native Hawai­ian) for a Smith­son­ian-host­ed vir­tu­al read­ing and discussion.

April 12, 2021, The Harvard Crimson
23rd U.S. Poet Laureate Discusses Native American Identity and Poetry

At the event, titled Native Amer­i­cans and the Nation­al Con­scious­ness” and mod­er­at­ed by Har­vard Pro­fes­sor of His­to­ry Philip J. Delo­ria, Har­jo inter­spersed her per­son­al expe­ri­ences as a Native woman with excerpts of her own work and poems from oth­er Native…

April 12, 2021, The Daily Utah
National Poetry Month: 5 Must-Read Poets

April is Nation­al Poet­ry Month. This month-long cel­e­bra­tion of poet­ry was intro­duced in 1996 by the Acad­e­my of Amer­i­can Poets with the inten­tion to increase appre­ci­a­tion of poetry.

April 12, 2021, Broadway World
March 26, 2021, Boston Globe
March 24, 2021, Red Room Poetry
Fair Trade: The Story Tree

Cre­at­ed by Red Room Poet­ry as part of Poet­ry Month and led by pro­duc­er Anne-Marie Te Whiu, Fair Trade invites six paired poets to weave words across lands and seas, gath­er­ing col­lab­o­ra­tive threads and shin­ing a light on First…

March 15, 2021, Pearl Jam

In her first new record­ing in a decade, Joy Har­jo – the first Native Amer­i­can named Poet Lau­re­ate of the Unit­ed States – digs deep into the indige­nous red earth. Read more.

March 12, 2021,
When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry

The poems of When The Light Of The World Was Sub­dued, Our Songs Came Through pro­vide a riv­et­ing tes­ti­mo­ny to the truth of its title.” — Sawnie Morris