Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

September 16, 2020, Christian Science Monitor
September 15, 2020, Connecticut College
September 05, 2020, LitHub
August 31, 2020, Pasatiempo
August 31, 2020, Indian Country Today
Pop culture artists team with educators for Native lessons

With class­room edu­ca­tion in dis­ar­ray due to pan­dem­ic shut­downs, Illu­mi­Na­tive, a non­prof­it found­ed by Crys­tal Echo Hawk, of Echo Hawk Con­sult­ing, and a group of respect­ed Native artists includ­ing Bunky Echo-Hawk, Gregg Deal and Jared Yazz­ie have teamed up to…

August 31, 2020, The Oklahoman
Women of the Century

Joy Har­jo list­ed as one of the 10 most inspir­ing Okla­homa women of the cen­tu­ry, along with Wilma Mankiller and Reba McIn­tyre. Read more here!

August 31, 2020, WNYC - The Brian Lehrer Show
First American Poetry

Joy Har­jo, per­former and writer, the first Native Amer­i­can U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate, mem­ber of the Musco­gee (Creek) Nation and the edi­tor of When the Light of the World Was Subdued…

August 31, 2020, Albuquerque Journal
Groundbreaking anthology of Native American poetry covers a broad arc of time, cultures and traditions

A lit­er­ary mile­stone is occur­ring this week – the pub­li­ca­tion of the first com­pre­hen­sive anthol­o­gy of Native poetry.

The book car­ries this lyri­cal title – When the Light of the World was Sub­dued, Our Songs Came Through.” Read the full sto­ry here

July 14, 2020, The New York Times
After a Trail of Tears, Justice for Indian Country

From my elders, I learned that jus­tice is some­times sev­en gen­er­a­tions away or more — and inevitable.” 

June 17, 2020, PEN America
Into the Streets: Writers Recommend Books of Protest

As protest rights are threat­ened around the coun­try, as doc­u­ment­ed in the new PEN Amer­i­ca report Arrest­ing Dis­sent, we turn to books that demon­strate the pow­er and impor­tance of tak­ing action and speak­ing out against racism, oppres­sion, cen­sor­ship, and…