Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

September 26, 2020, The New Yorker Podcast
Joy Harjo Reads Sandra Cisneros

Joy Har­jo joins Kevin Young to dis­cuss Still-Life with Pota­toes, Pearls, Raw Meat, Rhine­stones, Lard, and Horse Hooves,” by San­dra Cisneros/ 

September 21, 2020, Nevada Public Radio
'An Echo of Something Not Finished': Poet Laureate On These Turbulent Times

Har­jo talked with State of Neva­da about how art and poet­ry help make sense of tumul­tuous times. 

September 18, 2020, NPR All Things Considered
September 16, 2020, Christian Science Monitor
September 15, 2020, Connecticut College
September 05, 2020, LitHub
August 31, 2020, Pasatiempo
August 31, 2020, Indian Country Today
Pop culture artists team with educators for Native lessons

With class­room edu­ca­tion in dis­ar­ray due to pan­dem­ic shut­downs, Illu­mi­Na­tive, a non­prof­it found­ed by Crys­tal Echo Hawk, of Echo Hawk Con­sult­ing, and a group of respect­ed Native artists includ­ing Bunky Echo-Hawk, Gregg Deal and Jared Yazz­ie have teamed up to…

August 31, 2020, The Oklahoman
Women of the Century

Joy Har­jo list­ed as one of the 10 most inspir­ing Okla­homa women of the cen­tu­ry, along with Wilma Mankiller and Reba McIn­tyre. Read more here!

August 31, 2020, WNYC - The Brian Lehrer Show
First American Poetry

Joy Har­jo, per­former and writer, the first Native Amer­i­can U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate, mem­ber of the Musco­gee (Creek) Nation and the edi­tor of When the Light of the World Was Subdued…