Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

June 12, 2020, The New York Times
The Poems That Poets Turn To in a Time of Strife

Joy Har­jo, along with fif­teen poets, tell us about the vers­es and books they are read­ing, or that they hope oth­ers seek out. Read here

May 22, 2020, Poetry Society of America
Dean Rader on Harjo's "Perhaps the World Ends Here"

Poet Dean Rad­er reflects on the poem he turns to in dif­fi­cult times: Joy Har­jo’s Per­haps the World Ends Here.” Read more at Poet­ry Soci­ety of America.

May 20, 2020, Indian Country Today
Poetry reminds us we're all connected

An inter­view for Indi­an Coun­try Today about Joy’s sec­ond term Poet Laureateship

May 20, 2020, Sugar Calling - A NYTimes Podcast
I Release You, Fear

Cheryl Strayed talks with the poet Joy Har­jo about beau­ty, prophe­cies, and lis­ten­ing to your spir­i­tu­al council. 

May 19, 2020, Tulsa World
Tulsa's Joy Harjo talks Second Term as U.S. Poet Laureate, Quarantine

Joy Har­jo talks to Tul­sa World about her Sec­ond Term appoint­ment and writ­ing dur­ing the quarantine. 

May 01, 2020, Vanity Fair
Why Poetry Is Having a Moment Amid the Global Quarantine

The poem is enjoy­ing a bump in cul­tur­al rel­e­vance as the world sits at home and con­sid­ers its sur­round­ings. Why your time­line is pos­si­bly sud­den­ly sprin­kled with verse.

April 30, 2020, The Library of Congress
U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo Appointed for a Second Term

Librar­i­an of Con­gress Car­la Hay­den has appoint­ed Joy Har­jo to serve a sec­ond term as the nation’s 23rd Poet Lau­re­ate Con­sul­tant in Poet­ry for 2020 – 2021. Dur­ing her sec­ond term, Har­jo will launch a new Library of Con­gress col­lec­tion and online…

April 30, 2020, The New York Times
Joy Harjo Appointed Second Term as U.S. Poet Laureate

Joy Har­jo has been appoint­ed to a sec­ond term as the nation’s poet lau­re­ate, the Library of Con­gress announced on Thurs­day. The first Native Amer­i­can to hold the posi­tion, Har­jo will be devel­op­ing an inter­ac­tive map of con­tem­po­rary Native poets…

April 29, 2020, WAMU Radio - The Kojo Nmamdi Show
A Conversation with U.S. Poet Laureate

In search of insight in this time of pesti­lence, we turn to U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate Joy Har­jo. Har­jo, the first Native Amer­i­can to be named poet lau­re­ate, is both an award-win­ning musi­cian and author of several…

April 29, 2020
Poets House Presents: Joy Harjo

Poets House Presents is a series of 10 minute read­ings by poets that are live streamed on Twit­ter & post­ed on our Archive, Face­book and YouTube on Wednes­days and Fri­days at Noon – to keep our com­mu­ni­ty thriving…