Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

April 21, 2020, National Endowment for the Arts
NEA Art Works: Joy Harjo

*** Joy Har­jo (Musco­gee / Creek) the Poet Lau­re­ate of the Unit­ed States (and NEA Big Read author) joins me this week for a far-rang­ing con­ver­sa­tion about poet­ry and music. Lis­ten to the pod­cast here.

April 21, 2020, Poetry Society of America
Reading in the Dark: Poetry Society of America

Read­ing in the Dark: Poets reflect on poems they return to in dif­fi­cult times. Read Joy Har­jo’s selec­tion here.

April 10, 2020, Washington Post
The Poetry of Home: As America confronts coronavirus, four U.S. poets laureate explore the theme of home

Joy Har­jo: What joins us togeth­er is poet­ry’ Har­jo reflects on her child­hood, the way the kitchen table unites us and the renewed con­nec­tions she hopes will emerge out of this dif­fi­cult time.

April 10, 2020, Bill Moyers
A Poet a Day: Joy Harjo reads "For Calling the Spirit Back From Wandering the Earth in Its Human Feet"

Joy Har­jo records her­self read­ing her poem, For Call­ing the Spir­it Back From Wan­der­ing the Earth on Its Human Feet,” for Bill Moyers

April 01, 2020, The Christian Science Monitor
A Q&A with Joy Harjo, Poet Laureate of the United States

The first Native Amer­i­can poet lau­re­ate talks about hear­ing the col­lec­tive heart of the coun­try, and the impor­tance of listening.

April 01, 2020, Beautiful Writers Podcast
March 30, 2020, TulsaPeople
Toward a Place of Poetry

Musco­gee (Creek) poet Joy Har­jo has been on the move.

Since being named U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate in June 2019, the author has only been able to touch down briefly in Tul­sa, her home­town, before being called else­where to speak or…

March 30, 2020
Joy Harjo - Reading at the UCLA Hammer Museum Museum

Lis­ten to the full audio of Joy Har­jo’s read­ing at the UCLA Ham­mer Muse­um in Feb­ru­ary 2020!

March 23, 2020, On Being
Poetry Unbound: On Being

Poet­ry Unbound, a new series from On Being Radio, fea­tures Joy Har­jo’s Praise the Rain,” read and dis­cussed by Pádraig Ó Tua­ma. About Poet­ry Unbound: Short and unhur­ried; con­tem­pla­tive and ener­giz­ing. Anchor your week by lis­ten­ing to the every­day poetry…

March 20, 2020, Library of Congress - From the Catbird Seat Blog
A Larger Context that Reveals Meaning: An Interview with Poet Laureate Joy Harjo

Inter­view with Rob Casper, Head of LOC Poet­ry & Lit­er­a­ture Cen­ter: In the past week, we have been think­ing a lot about this unprece­dent­ed moment and how poet­ry might help us live through it. We have also been talk­ing to…