Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

January 18, 2020, The Washington Post
'Everyone wants a place where they feel safe' says Joy Harjo, the first Native American U.S. poet laureate

When you’re asked to be poet lau­re­ate, is that some­thing you say yes to imme­di­ate­ly, or do you think about what it entails?

I said yes. [Laughs.] It’s like light­ning going through you. I real­ized in that moment that I…

January 16, 2020, World Literature Today
Joy Harjo's "Remember" translated into Arabic - World Literature Today

Ibti­sam Barakat, Pales­tin­ian Amer­i­can poet, artist, and trans­la­tor, offers an Ara­bic trans­la­tion of Remem­ber” for World Lit­er­a­ture Today.

January 12, 2020, New Mexico in Focus - NMPBS
Joy Harjo on New Mexico in Focus

This week on New Mex­i­co in Focus, we cel­e­brate Joy Har­jo, a ground­break­ing poet and New Mex­i­co trea­sure. Cor­re­spon­dent Megan Kam­er­ick caught up with Har­jo at a poet­ry read­ing in San­ta Fe to talk about why she sees the poet…

January 12, 2020, Albuquerque Journal
Art as Service: U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo’s work has its mystical qualities and yet belongs to everyone

Joy Har­jo, the U.S. poet lau­re­ate, was born and raised in Okla­homa, but New Mex­i­co has been her sec­ond home. She thinks of her­self as a dual cit­i­zen” of the two states.

December 11, 2019, The New York Times Opinion - Dec 7, 2019
Joy Harjo on Beauty - The New York Times

Why is Beau­ty Impor­tant to Us”? Joy Har­jo responds with a new poem, The Life of Beauty.”

December 10, 2019, Tulsa World
Tulsans of the Year: Poetry found Joy Harjo, the First Native American U.S. Poet Laureate

Joy Har­jo, named a Tul­san of the Year,” is inter­viewed by James D. Watts, Jr. of Tul­sa World.

December 10, 2019, - Books are Magic
13 Books by Native Writers to be Thankful For

Ser­e­na Morales writes of Amer­i­can Sun­rise: Joy Har­jo, US Poet Lau­re­ate, pres­i­dent of my native heart! I am con­stant­ly learn­ing from her and this col­lec­tion offers no exception.”

December 06, 2019, Billings Gazette
U.S poet laureate Joy Harjo inspires other Montana poets

Joy Har­jo is a major voice in Native Amer­i­can poet­ry, and has inspired oth­ers to express them­selves through writing.…

November 26, 2019, Boston Sunday Globe- Books
November 18, 2019, The Today Show
Meet the United States' first Native American poet laureate

NBC’s Sun­day Clos­er on Octo­ber 20 — NBC’s Har­ry Smith meets Joy Har­jo, who is the first Native Amer­i­can poet lau­re­ate for the Unit­ed States.