Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

November 14, 2019, PBS American Masters Podcast
Joy Harjo on PBS American Masters

In 2019, Joy Har­jo became the first Native Amer­i­can Poet Lau­re­ate of the Unit­ed States. She joins us from her home­town Tul­sa, Okla­homa to talk about the respon­si­bil­i­ties that come with this hon­or and the impor­tance of rep­re­sent­ing rich Native…

October 25, 2019, Publishers Weekly
An American Sunrise

New­ly named poet lau­re­ate and Ruth Lil­ly prize – win­ner Har­jo (Con­flict Res­o­lu­tion for Holy Beings) inter­twines verse with prose vignettes, oral his­to­ries, and flash mem­oirs in this expres­sive and gen­er­ous book. 

October 21, 2019, The Library of Congress
The Poet and the Poem from the Library of Congress

Joy Har­jo is inter­viewed by Grace Cav­a­lieri on the Library of Con­gress’s orig­i­nal Poet and the Poem” pod­cast series. 

October 17, 2019, NBC TODAY Weekend Editions
October 10, 2019, Oprah's SuperSoul Conversations
October 09, 2019, SuperSoul Sunday
Super Soul Sunday: Oprah Sits Down with Joy Harjo

Oprah Win­frey has a con­ver­sa­tion with Joy Har­jo on Super­Soul Sun­day, aired on the OWN net­work on Octo­ber 6

Watch the Episode

September 19, 2019, PBS Newshour
Poet laureate Joy Harjo opens a Native 'doorway of hope'

Joy Har­jo, the new poet lau­re­ate of the Unit­ed States, is the first Native Amer­i­can to achieve that hon­or. Jef­frey Brown recent­ly sat down with Har­jo, a mem­ber of Okla­homa’s Musco­gee Creek Nation, in Tul­sa to…

September 18, 2019, Library of Congress
Poet Laureate Joy Harjo’s Inaugural Reading

Tomor­row, Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 19, at 7 p.m., Joy Har­jo will take the stage of the Coolidge Audi­to­ri­um in the Library of Congress’s Jef­fer­son Build­ing for the first time as 23rd Poet Lau­re­ate Con­sul­tant in Poet­ry. To mark this his­toric occasion…

September 16, 2019, Radio New Zealand
Joy Harjo on Radio New Zealand

Joy Har­jo is a crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed poet and musi­cian and she is the first Native Amer­i­can to be named US poet lau­re­ate.https://​www​.rnz​.co​.nz/​n​a​t​ional…

September 04, 2019, Library of Congress
Laureate at the Library: Sharing the History and Realities of Field Recordings of Native American Songs and Narratives

The fol­low­ing guest post is by Judith Gray, coor­di­na­tor of Ref­er­ence Ser­vices in the Library’s Amer­i­can Folk­life Cen­ter. This is the fifth and final post in a series doc­u­ment­ing Poet Lau­re­ate Joy Harjo’s sum­mer­time meet­ings with librar­i­ans and cura­tors across…