Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

January 30, 2014
LaTO - Hungarian Publication Review

Hun­gar­i­an Pub­li­ca­tion Review of Crazy Brave.Read Review (in Hungarian)

January 30, 2014, Literary Mama
Crazy Brave: An Interview with Joy Harjo and Review of Her New Memoir

It struck me at the time that Harjo’s poet­ry in par­tic­u­lar touched some­thing more emo­tion­al than intel­lect-cen­tered acad­eme could grasp … Read Review

January 30, 2014, Yes Magazine
Yes Magazine Book Review: Joy Harjo’s “Crazy Brave”

Native Amer­i­can poet Joy Har­jo declares, I was not brave.” But her mem­oir is a gift that urges us to enlist our own crazy brav­ery to step through the door­ways in our lives.Read Review

January 30, 2014, Sampsonia Way
Having to Fight for It: An Interview with Poet / Musician Joy Harjo

Words are vehi­cles for bring­ing some­thing into being: A vision of peace, a vision of con­nec­tion, a vision of telling a sto­ry of who we are, what we’ve done, where we’ve been, where we’re going.”Read Arti­cle

January 30, 2014

Ini­ti­a­tions: A review of Crazy Brave by Pam Uschuk

Crazy Brave is one of most inven­tive mem­oirs I’ve ever read. It is as intense­ly engross­ing as it is poignant. It also has a sense of humor. Since Har­jo is a…

January 30, 2014, Book Browse
Book Browse Review

In this tran­scen­dent mem­oir, ground­ed in trib­al myth and ances­try, music and poet­ry, Joy Har­jo, one of our lead­ing Native Amer­i­can voic­es, details her jour­ney to becom­ing a poet.Read Review

January 30, 2014
January 30, 2014
Alabama’s Writer’s Forum

When most Alaba­ma read­ers think of Alaba­ma writ­ers, Native Amer­i­can — or Amer­i­can Indi­an as Joy Har­jo calls her­self — aren’t the first writ­ers who come to mind, yet Joy Har­jo attrib­ut­es what she con­sid­ers to be three of the most impor­tant traits of…

January 30, 2014
Native People’s Review of Crazy Brave

One of Native America’s strongest voic­es, poet and musi­cian Joy Har­jo has final­ly told her own sto­ry in this poet­ic mem­oir. Like her rich poet­ry, this book brims with lyri­cal word pic­tures, glimpses of Harjo’s child­hood and time in Indian…

January 27, 2014
A Thousand Roads

The film threads togeth­er four sto­ries, tak­ing us into the life of a stressed-out Mohawk stock­bro­ker in Man­hat­tan; a young Inu­pi­at girl sent to live with her grand­moth­er in Bar­row, Alas­ka; a Nava­jo gang mem­ber who must find his core…