Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

October 07, 2013, The New York Times
NY Times: Joy Harjo Collaboration with Molissa Fenley

Molis­sa Fen­ley, approach­ing 59, dances in works she intro­duced more than 30 years ago. The program’s pre­mière, Found Object,” Ms. Fen­ley com­posed by solic­it­ing instruc­tions from writer Joy Har­jo and others.

September 30, 2013
April 22, 2013, Pen America
PEN America Interview with Joy Harjo by Jane Ciabattari

I was entrust­ed with car­ry­ing voic­es, songs, and sto­ries to grow and release into the world, to be of assis­tance and inspi­ra­tion,” she writes in her recent mem­oir, Crazy Brave. These were my respon­si­bil­i­ty.”Read Inter­view

February 03, 2013
Sundance Institute

Sun­dance Insti­tute today announced that Joy Har­jo is one of sev­en artists select­ed for its 2013 Play­wrights Retreat at Ucross Foun­da­tion, Feb­ru­ary 4 – 222013.‑u/

January 25, 2013
Awards Given to Joy Harjo

List of awards giv­en to Joy Harjo.

December 29, 2012
Interviews, Reviews, Articles 2012 and Previous

List of Inter­views and Reviews from 2012 and previous.

August 21, 2012
All Things Literary, All Things Natural

If our impend­ing births came with the same warn­ing, LIFE IS DAN­GER­OUS, would most of us have the courage to step across the thresh­old from unborn to born, let alone write about it?Read Review

August 16, 2012, Los Angeles Review of Books
A Diary Left Open: On Joy Harjo

Crazy Brave, brings one of our finest — and most com­pli­cat­ed — poets into view. And in an era when all poets are hard to see and Native Amer­i­can poets are invis­i­ble, it couldn’t come at a bet­ter time.”

July 19, 2012
Feminist Magazine
Every­one is car­ry­ing a piece of the light. Sing it. Let it be poet­ry. Unwind in sto­ry. Dance. Be with it. Be it.”

Host­ed by Ari­ana Manov & Lynn Har­ris Ballen.

LIS­TEN: http://​fem​i​nist​magazine​.org/​2012​/​07​/​j​u​l​y-17/

July 13, 2012, Shelf Awareness
Shelf Awareness Review of Crazy Brave

Part auto­bi­og­ra­phy, part prose poem and part mythol­o­gy, this mem­oir begs to be read aloud. Har­jo traces the ori­gin of her poet­ic musi­cal and the­atri­cal careers, but she offers much more than rem­i­nis­cences. Her sto­ry is an account of the…