Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

September 28, 2023, 13WMAZ
Macon-Bibb leaders set to visit Tulsa to learn from city, Muscogee Creek nation

Ocmul­gee Mounds is a spe­cial place. I mean, it’s part of our Musco­gee peo­ple. It’s part of our sto­ry roots. A part of our home­lands,” Joy Har­jo, for­mer US Poet Lau­re­ate and mem­ber of the Muscogee…

September 24, 2023, Mvskoke Media
Mvskoke Media - September 20, 2023

Har­jo was the fea­tured speak­er and read­er at the recent Joy of Read­ing” Indige­nous Read­ers Event mid-Sep­tem­ber. It was aimed at stu­dents in Pre‑k to the 12th grade.” 

August 22, 2023, Native News Online
IndigneousWays Festival Finishes Summer Series in Santa Fe

Leg­endary Musco­gee (Creek) Nation poet Joy Har­jo is head­lin­ing the fes­ti­val with a per­for­mance that includes spo­ken word and music. Har­jo is a renowned per­former and writer who served three terms as the 23rd Poet Lau­re­ate of the Unit­ed States.

August 22, 2023, Native News Online
Photos from the 101st Santa Fe Indian Market

Native News Online was on the ground this week­end to cap­ture all of the excite­ment at the 101st Sante Fe Indi­an Mar­ket, where crowds of more than 100, 000 gath­ered to cel­e­brate Native Amer­i­can cul­ture, fash­ion and art. 

July 06, 2023, PBS
July 03, 2023, Disney Plus Informer
Original Song 'We Are America' from Onyx Collective's Anthem Out Now

Hol­ly­wood Records has released the orig­i­nal song We Are Amer­i­ca from Onyx Collective’s doc­u­men­tary film Anthem” which is now stream­ing on Hulu in the Unit­ed States and on Dis­ney+ in many coun­tries includ­ing the Unit­ed King­dom, Cana­da, and Australia.

July 03, 2023
June 26, 2023, IMDB
Netflix Renews ‘Spirit Rangers’ for Season 3, Former U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo to Pen an Episode (Exclusive)

Spir­its Rangers‘ lit­tle heroes will con­tin­ue pro­tect­ing Cal­i­for­nia land — and now, water.

June 25, 2023, Oklahoma Free Press
OK Contemporary Spotlights Local Art with "The Soul is a Wanderer"

The Soul is a Wan­der­er, inspired by Joy Har­jo’s poem, is open free to the pub­lic until Jan­u­ary 2024 at Okla­homa Contemporary.

June 24, 2023, The Hollywood Reporter
Netflix Renews ‘Spirit Rangers’ for Season 3, Former U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo to Pen an Episode (Exclusive)

Cre­at­ed by Hol­ly­wood’s first Cal­i­for­nia Native showrun­ner, the his­toric ani­mat­ed preschool series’ sec­ond sea­son debuted on May 8.