Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

April 29, 2023, Pasatiempo
A Wing and a Play

Esteemed Uni­ver­si­ty of New Mex­i­co alum­na Joy Har­jo is bring­ing dra­ma to her alma mater.

April 21, 2023, The New York Times
What A U.S. Poet Laureate Wants to Pass Down

Joy Harjo’s work is root­ed in the Native com­mu­ni­ty, a respect that’s shared by the poet and writer Layli Long Soldier.

April 11, 2023, LitHub
Joy Harjo on Being a Poet and Witness to History

From Her Accep­tance Speech for the Ivan San­drof Life­time Achieve­ment Award at The Nation­al Book Crit­ics Cir­cle Awards

April 11, 2023, Commonplace Podcast
Episode 109: Joy Harjo on Commonplace Podcast

Rachel Zuck­er of Com­mon­place Pod­cast speaks with Joy Har­jo, inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned per­former and writer of the Musco­gee (Creek) Nation about jazz, grief, sec­ond sight, teach­ing, and so much more. 

April 10, 2023, WNYC - The Takeaway
Joy Harjo on "Remember"

Joy Har­jo joins The Take­away to dis­cuss Remem­ber, reflect on her time as the U.S. Poet Lau­re­ate, and share thoughts on how indi­gene­ity informs the themes of her poetry.

April 06, 2023, Mountain Lake PBS
Encourage Literacy & Self Expression During National Poetry Month!

Join PBS KIDS and Unit­ed States Poet Lau­re­ate, Joy Har­jo in a very spe­cial read­ing of one of her poems, Remem­ber” from her book, How We Became Humans.”

April 06, 2023, The Washington Post
March 27, 2023, National Book Critics Circle
Announcing the 2022 NBCC Award Winners

The recip­i­ent of the Ivan San­drof Life­time Achieve­ment Award was Joy Har­jo. Read more here

March 27, 2023, WNYC: The Brian Lehrer Show
Former US Poet Laureate Joy Harjo

Joy Har­jo, for­mer US Poet Lau­re­ate, dis­cuss­es a new a pic­ture book adap­tion of her poem, Remem­ber.” The book, illus­trat­ed by Calde­cott medal­ist Michaela Goade, invites young read­ers to reflect on the world around them. Lis­ten here!

March 27, 2023, Publisher's Weekly