As Avenali Chair, Harjo participates in two events, both of which focus on her prodigious editorial accomplishments:
On Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021, at 4 pm PST, Harjo talks with Craig Santos Perez about her literary antecedents and the recently-published anthology When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry. Harjo is executive editor of the 2020 anthology, which has been hailed as a literary milestone. Perez (PhD Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley) is a poet and professor of English at the University of Hawai'i, Mānoa; his work has been anthologized by Harjo.
On Thursday, Feb 25, 2021, 4pm PST, Harjo discusses her signature project as Poet Laureate. Living Nations, Living Words: A Map of First Peoples Poetry presents the work of contemporary Native poets in a national, fully digital and interactive map featuring audio recordings by authors. A companion anthology, edited and with an introduction by Harjo, is forthcoming from Norton in May 2021.
Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021 4:00 pm Online
Click to Watch the Livestream. No registration required.